Jefferson provides private, in-person services in over 52 countries worldwide.
Our students are supported by a wide network of international offices, as well as resident and visiting tutors elsewhere. This extensive and unrivaled international presence allows Jefferson to provide short-term and hourly tuition in a wide range of locations.
In addition, Jefferson tutors can be engaged to travel or to reside with families, thereby allowing students to consistently study with one or more tutors. This approach allows our students to develop long-term academic rapport with superb teachers.
Our breadth of academic support allows Jefferson to provide customized tutoring regardless of where they permanently reside.
Options for live, in-person instruction:
- Sessions at one of our local offices
- Instruction at your home or office
- Sessions during holidays
- Sessions at a library or other public location of your choice
- Tutors who can travel with you during holidays
- For school, corporate, government and institutional clients, sessions conducted on your premises
Additionally, Jefferson provides live online instruction via our secure Video Portal.
To schedule a free, confidential consultation with an adviser at Jefferson Academics, please contact us today.